Bus JFK airport

One of the features of JFK Airport is that passengers who arrive here can choose one of the many modes of transport. Do you want to use the subway? There is such a possibility. Prefer train? Enjoy! One of the options is the bus. The stop is located in Terminal 5. If your plane landed at another terminal, use AirTrain. This is a special mode of transport designed for JFK airport passengers. Travels between terminals are free. They last from 2 to 5 minutes. AirTrain operates around the clock. Passengers are allowed to take their luggage and small pets if they are in cages.

Bus routes

You can choose a route based on the location in the city you need to get to. Route B15 must be chosen by passengers who want to get to the Brooklyn area. If you are interested in the Queens area, we recommend using the Q3 route.

More options:

  • Q6. Buses that travel along this route carry passengers through the Jamaica area;
  • Q7. Use this route if you need to get to the eastern part of the city;
  • Q10. If you take this bus, you will get to Kew Gardens.

Bus schedules and routes are subject to change, so we recommend that you check the latest information before your trip to avoid unpleasant surprises.

Important information

Buses and stops are adapted to the needs of people with disabilities. There are places for wheelchairs in transport. Their owners can move comfortably at public transport stops.

You can pay for your trip with a MetroCard. This is a card that can be replenished with a certain amount. You can get a MetroCard from special vending machines. You can also get it at the information points at the big stations. Even if you bought a card for unlimited trips for a week or a month, after its expiration date you can top up this card.